Acupuncture, Acupressure + Sound Acupressure
Acupuncturists are board certified and licensed in Washington State to diagnose, prescribe points & treat according to Eastern or Traditional Chinese philosophies. Acupuncture points are found along 12 meridians or channels and other pathways on the body. Acupuncture is relatively painless for most individuals. Many say that they enjoy acupuncture and the sensations that are achieved through stimulation of the needles, as well as an invigorating lift or gentle restfulness that often follows. Some patients prefer acupressure and can actually learn the points themselves fairly easily with some direction. These points can be stimulated with specialized tools, acupressure balls, or simply by pressing gently with their own hands. Additionally, sound tools, such as tuning forks, can be applied to acupuncture points to generate energy modification particular to the location.
Acupuncture and Eastern Medicines focus on elemental forces within the body coming together to help form a holistic system or environment. The meridians are the channels where these elemental forces flow to generate or control the greater system: the whole body. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Shen, or spiritual energy within the body, is also assisted by manipulating the channels or directly influencing the channels via acupuncture points. These points can be considered gateways or vortexes to influence the channel's energies.
Acupuncture and Acupressure are often used in the treatment of insomnia, anxiety, digestive complaints, menopausal symptoms, fatigue, muscle pain or tension, headaches, and many more complex physiologic conditions.